The wine and cheese party (I opted for the beer instead). Lindsay, Youshin and Gratta having a great time.
Me and Jackie at the Soju Tent, one of our favourite night time destinations. They have cheap drinks and usually have soccer on the big screen. What more do you need?
Having some fun with sheesha and picture taking. Don't worry mom and dad, it's legal.
Uh oh.. that beer is on fire!
For Lindsay's going away party, it was decided that we dress in wigs and sunglasses. Here you see Matt, Jack and myself doing as was requested at the Soju tent.
This is at a dance club called the JukeBox. In Korea, nightclubs take "breaks" where everyone sits down and rests while the DJ plays music. Matt, Jack and I took this chance to head out the dance floor and show them our skills.
In other news, we finally had a new teacher join us in January, which effectively brought my overtime work to an end. Her name is Shauna and things seem to be working well with her. The kids seem to really like her. The Korean winter seems to be just about over as it's the end of February with temperatures in the high 50's. I can't complain about that. I am proud to say that I rode my motorcycle every single day during the winter, and there were some cold days!
Lately, I have felt that my English skills have gone downhill due to speaking simplified English most of the time. So I have decided to lift my banishment of any unnecessary reading as I bought the book 1984 by George Orwell. So far it goes well as I am relearning some big words. Hooray for reading!
My work schedule will change as of March 1st. I am really looking forward to it! I will work 80 minutes less a week than now for a total of 24 hours a week. The schedule is: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3-8:50pm and Tuesday/Thursday 3-7:20pm. I am really happy with it. It should let me get out and do some fun things during the week. Time is ticking by now, and I have only a little more than 4 months left on my contract with my school. I am looking into a few different things at this point. As of now, my contract expires on July 11th, afterwhich I would like to go to Europe, specifically Spain to run with the bulls. I would like to stay there for a few weeks until the beginning of August when I return to Korea to teach for a one month summer camp before heading home for good at the beginning of September. But that is just what I am thinking and it is still a long way away.
I have been very busy the past few months so my Korean lessons have been intermitten and my marathon training has been less than dedicated. But with my new schedule, I hope to be able to get back into those things soon.
This last weekend was a long weekend (finally) for the Chinese New Year. We now welcome the year of the golden pig. For those you born in 1983, we too are pigs, but we are water pigs. That is still a good thing though! I spent a large part of this weekend relaxing with only 1 big night out. My friend Jay bought a motorcycle on Friday, so we have been riding around. I look forward to having a riding buddy for the spring as the nicer weather allows us to get out and explore the country. And of course, we played a little soccer this weekend as well. Back to work tomorrow, but well rested and ready to go!
Next up: I don't know... the blog is all caught up. Only time will tell.
Hi Trev, looks like you have not given up Partying. Thats great you have an extra 80min. a week to party(LOL).Why is that beer smoking? our domestic beer doesn't do that. Take care and think about using that 80min. to practice running for when you go to Spain. hahahahah........................
Glad to see you are still having a good time!!! I find that funny that they take "Breaks" in the bars!! That would never go over well here!!Great pictures!!! Take care, Virginia
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